As we all now recall, following COVID, a large number of people lost their jobs, many experienced financial hardships, many struggled to meet their daily needs or to survive, many had an excessive amount of work, many were unable to pay their employees’ salaries, etc.

Working from home, a novel idea, became commonplace at that time. Instead of doing their jobs in person, employees were working from home for their company. It was difficult to work from home because it has advantages and disadvantages for both employers and employees.

Playing an escape room online can be a great way to engage your hybrid workforce. By keeping it fun, competitive, and inclusive, you can help promote teamwork, communication, and collaboration among team members.

Work from home

After COVID, managing a hybrid workforce has become more challenging for employers. A hybrid workforce is one that uses both in-person and online methods of working. However, how can employers motivate employees in this situation when some are present at work, and others are remote? In this situation, it is important to design an experience that levels the playing field because prior to COVID, businesses either operated entirely remotely or in offices.

Now let us discuss some things you may consider while managing your hybrid workforce-

1.  Taking the helm:

Since working from home is a novel idea, not everyone is capable of dealing with it.  If everything is going to be remote, every employee you hire will be aware of their tasks when they are appointed but may not necessarily know how to do things. Simply giving instructions is insufficient because, in a physical setting, you can learn more about someone by their expressions and eye contact.

In order to make contact with your employees who are working from home, make sure they are required to turn on their cameras. Additionally, make data accessible to them and make it simple for them to submit tasks.

2. Flexible working hours:

As we all know, there are strict working hours in offices where employees physically work, but flexibility in working hours when employees work from home. And individual employees who are trying to balance their own job, troubleshoot connection issues, assist kids with remote academic achievement, have various duties, etc., need that flexibility. Presently, some jobs might not need to be performed from 9 to 5 and can be performed on a flexible schedule with responsibilities like

  1. Coding– Codes may be created by a programmer and then given to the following person to test.
  2. Writing– A writer might produce a first draught and submit it for review by an editor.
  3. Accountant- Before sending financial information to the manager for evaluation, an accountant may evaluate them remotely as well.

In this way, they will complete their task with the flexibility to do it anytime within the day and further report it.

3. Utilization of various tools:

Everyone is aware that meetings are held in every office between the owners, partners, investors, and employers, as well as the employees. Different presentation techniques, such as ppt, graphs, sketched concepts, whiteboard use, diagrams, etc., are used in every meeting to facilitate easy explanation and understanding.

The same is true for remote meetings, which are increasingly common because they can be held at any time and from any location. Tools that can be used for such meetings can be-

  1. Electronic whiteboard- Reconstruct the physical experience in a virtual setting and give staff members the ability to add to, rearrange, and collect group responses according to certain criteria.
  2. App spaces- You can divide a big meeting into small teams using some software, like the Zoom application, cisco Webex meeting app, to have more focused discussions.
  3. Real-time word clouds can be created using platforms like Mentimeter and Poll all across. Polls are ideal for a hybrid workforce because you can access them through your mobile or a web app.

4. Use various communication tools:

While notices are used to communicate with the team in offices, there are other tools available to be utilized when employees are working remotely. Consider publishing a message or even a video to your corporate website as an alternative to setting up a meeting.

Alternatively, you could publish an update on a networking social media site like Yammer and invite comments. In addition, Microsoft Teams and Google Docs are well-liked programs for working on a single document simultaneously.

5.  Break:

As office workers are less likely to engage in social interactions and spend more time in front of computers or laptops, it is important to give them brief breaks. By scheduling unstructured, informal meetings without an agenda, the company can break up the tedium. They will eventually experience a morale boost as a result of just a little communication flow.


All of the strategies mentioned above can be used to engage hybrid members of your workforce. The company must work for the employees to ensure that they have a healthy, engaging environment, whether in-person or remotely.