Chicken is one of the most favored food items in India. Every state in India has their own chicken recipe and style of making chicken. Spicy chicken dishes are very exotic and just out of this world. Chicken is one of the main reasons why Indian food is among the most popular cuisine all over the world. Numerous types of chicken curry dishes and stir-fries when grace the table one just can’t resist it.
Indian style of cooking chicken is a well-managed mélange of spices and herbs. Chicken made up of desi flavors is like a dream come true for non-vegetarian food lovers. It’s a versatile form of meat which is prepared in numerous ways and forms and one such form is Bengali chicken recipe. Though this is just one form of lip-smacking chicken dishes in India, there are various other chicken recipes that will make your day.
Scroll Down for Some Lip–Smacking Chicken Recipes in India:
Chicken Kolhapuri:
Name itself suggests that this dish comes straight from Maharashtra’s menu. It’s a spicy and bold dish which is named after the city from where it actually originated, Kolhapur. This aromatic dish promotes the south-western flavor. This is one of the spiciest chicken dishes that you will find in India.
Bengali Chicken Curry:
This comes from the eastern state of Bengal. This culinary style of cooking has been originated in Bengal. In this recipe, some vegetables are also added to the curry to make it healthier and tastier. There’s one try type of chicken curry as well called KoshaMugirMangsho. If you don’t like thick gravy’s then this is the one for you. This is an authentic and delicious Bengali chicken recipe which will surely lighten your taste buds.
Chicken Trivandrum:
This is one of the simplest chicken recipes which come from the “Land of Spices”. Kerala is also known as the land of coconut and therefore it is cooked in coconut oil and this is arguably the spiciest chicken dish as a whole lot red chilies and garlic ginger paste is added in this recipe. For the spicy food lovers, this chicken can make their day.
Chicken Hyderabadi:
This delicious and luscious recipe is from the state of Telangana. This is one of the most famous chicken recipes as Hyderabadi dum chicken Biryani is available all across Indian restaurants. This signature dish has all the ingredients of making it a must try dish for all the non-vegetarian food lovers.
Chicken Patiala:
All the Punjabi’s can never get over butter chicken but this is for the one who lobes boneless chicken. The formerly price state is known for various chicken dishes and this one tops the charts when it comes to chicken dishes. Chicken Patiala is served best with Roomali Roti or Tandoori Nan.
The above mentioned delicious chicken recipes are just a few of the chicken recipes. In India, chicken recipes are made with aromatic spices and are served in a different way in different parts. The above-mentioned items are arguably the best kitchen menu if you want to prepare chicken at home.
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